Observation on patients with senile emphysema and their pulmonary functions 老年肺气肿与肺功能的初步观察
71 cases of senile emphysema and cor pulmonale treated according-to the Chinese traditional medicine, with the principle of "supporting the normal and raising of the origin" for five years, were observed; 71例老年肺气肿及肺心病患者,经五年治疗观察,并与同期60岁以下肺气肿和肺心病对照。
Pathologic injury to pulmonary circulation from senile emphysema 老年性肺气肿对肺循环的病理性损害
Those of respiratory system were senile chronic bronchitis, emphysema ( 42.86%) among them 4 cases had long-time use of respitators; 呼吸系:老慢支、肺气肿(42.86%),其中4例长期应用呼吸器;
The content of ET in venous blood in the senile emphysema group was significantly higher than that in the normal senium group ( P < 0 001). 老年性肺气肿组外周血内皮素的含量显著高于正常老年人组(P<0.001)。